Halloween is right around the corner

I am known for coming up with costume ideas, then putting them off, then the next thing I know- it is halloween. And, it is too late to come up with the things I need to make my costume come together. But, this year, I have it all planned out... I need to keep mine a surprise. But, I thought I'd share some other ideas.

Going with a group of girls? Heathers is perfect, easy, and cute! I have never been one to dress up as ____________and turn it into sexy______________. You could very easily do that with this idea, if that is your thing.

What you would need :
• 4 girls
• Hot Rollers
• Comb and lots of hair spray
• skirts
• blazers or cardigans
• white blouses
• stockings
• brooches
Super Easy!!!!

#costume #halloween #2014 #group #groupcostume #girl #girls #easy #diy #heathers

Another girl group idea for 4 or 5 girls would be Virgin Suicides

What you would need:
• White / White Floral Prairie Dresses
• Floral Crown
 Fill each floral crown with flowers and items related to each girls death
∆ pill bottles + fake pills
∆ toy Car + old Car Key + hose
∆ dollhouse miniature ovens etc.
#halloween #costume #ideas #diy #easy #group #groupcostume #virgin #suicides #2014 #costumeideas

Tim Allen ; Home Improvement 
Another easy one, single costume. No shopping required. 
Slick back your locks into a poofy pony tail....open your toolbox, and closet. 
Judie Funny